Thursday, 5 May 2011


Employee involvement provides the means by which workers develop and/or express their own commitment to safety and health protection for themselves and for their fellow workers.

In implementing a safety and health program, there are various ways to provide commitment and support by management and employees. Some recommended actions are described briefly as follows:
  • State clearly a worksite policy on safe and healthful work and working conditions, so that all personnel with responsibility at the site (and personnel at other locations with responsibility for the site) fully understand the priority and importance of safety and health protection in the organization.
  • Establish and communicate a clear goal for the safety and health program and define objectives for meeting that goal so that all members of the organization understand the results desired and measures planned for achieving them.
  • Provide visible top management involvement in implementing the program so that all employees understand that management's commitment is serious.
  • Arrange for and encourage employee involvement in the structure and operation of the program and in decisions that affect their safety and health so that they will commit their insight and energy to achieving the safety and health program's goal and objectives.
  • Assign and communicate responsibility for all aspects of the program so that managers, supervisors, and employees in all parts of the organization know what performance is expected of them.
  • Provide adequate authority and resources to responsible parties so that assigned responsibilities can be met.
  • Hold managers, supervisors, and employees accountable for meeting their responsibilities so that essential tasks will be performed.
  • Review program operations at least annually to evaluate their success in meeting the goals and objectives so that deficiencies can be identified and the program and/or the objectives can be revised when they do not meet the goal of effective safety and health protection.

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